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My life in books...

The first book I remember reading was 'Where's Spot' by Eric Hill. My children also enjoyed this so I know it remains just as popular today - the mark of a true classic!
Cover of 'Where's Spot' book by Eric Hill
My favourite childhood book was any of the books from the Brambly Hedge series by Jill Barklem. When I was four, I was given 'The Secret Staircase' by one of my mother's closest friends. It was the first book that made me not only love the words and the pictures, but also a book as an object.
The book I would give to my mother as a gift  would be 'The Thursday Murder Club' by Richard Osman.  Along with many others I read this recently and thoroughly enjoyed it and I know it will be just up Mum's street. I know she would love to be surrounded by some of the interesting characters in this book in real life!
The book I would give to my husband is a Nigel Slater Cookbook. I am lucky enough to be married to a man who likes cooking - and is very good at it - and it does mean that most Christmases there will be a new cookbook awaiting him under our tree! Nigel Slater is a current favourite and his latest book is a thing of beauty!
The book that has been most influential on my work is 'Words and Pictures' by Quentin Blake. It's an absolute treasure trove of inspiration and a fascinating insight into his career. It is still a real treat to dip into - his early work and sketchbooks are my favourite.
The books that are currently on my desk are 'Birds' by Brian Wildsmith and 'Momoko and the pretty bird' by Chihiro Iwasaki. I have a bird project on the go (that I can't tell you about yet!)...but these books have also been useful to me in previous bird-related projects. Brian Wildsmith's colour and textures remain hugely inspirational to me - his books really are a delight! I bought Momoko and the Pretty bird as I loved the simple washes of colour used and the simplicity of the drawings. A huge contract to Brian Wildsmith's style but both absolutely captivating! 
I could write about my favourite books all day! I hope you have enjoyed this little insight into some of the books I have encountered throughout my life so far. I will write more in the New Year as have lots more reading-related ideas to share with you!

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